Month: <span>January 2016</span>

At the end of 1 Samuel, the author alternated the reader’s attention between David’s situation among the Philistines and Amalekites and the Philistines’ attack on Saul. After the death of…

2 Samuel with Select Psalms and Proverbs Commentary Old Testament

In the final section of 2 Corinthians, Paul defended his frank speech regarding the ethical norms of the church, and his apostolic ministry in general. To a church neck-deep in…

2 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

One of Paul’s purposes in writing 2 Corinthians was to prepare the Corinthians for his visit. While ministering to the Corinthians, Paul planned to receive their gift for the saints…

2 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

Paul’s strained relationship with the Corinthians troubled his heart (2 Cor 1:23-2:4). While Paul was their father in the gospel, the Corinthians were not acting as obedient children. The coolness…

2 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

Overall, 2 Corinthians is Paul’s attempt to defend himself. Some in Corinth accused him of being a weak leader (2 Cor 1:15-22; 13:1-4) and overextending his authority over them (2…

2 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

In 1 Corinthians, Paul addressed his concerns in the church in chs. 1-6 and then replied to their questions to him in chs. 7-15. The Corinthians’ final inquiry concerned the…

1 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

In the second half of 1 Corinthians, Paul responded to the questions the church had sent him. Having dealt with matters of marriage (ch. 7), and with visiting idol temples…

1 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

First Corinthians is composed of at least two sections. In chs. 1-6, Paul addressed his concerns about divisions in the church and the congregation’s tendency toward libertinism—as evidenced by their…

1 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

While Paul was in Ephesus during his third missionary journey (Acts 19), he received a report from Corinth that divisions had broken out in the church and that the congregation…

1 Corinthians Commentary New Testament

In 1 Corinthians, Paul used the theology of the Old Testament to confront the glory-seeking leaders in Corinth. The storyline of Scripture had relevance even for these steeped in Roman…

1 Corinthians Commentary New Testament