INTRO: the ancient Greeks had a system for language aquisition that might help students improve their knoledge of Greek. This system, more or less, was taken up by the young…
Category: <span>Blog</span>
Luke 2 Luke 23 Acts 18 But Luke was concerned primarily for the history of Israel as it related to the ministry of Jesus Christ.…
My Advent sermon series this year is in 1 John. Having just finished the Gospel of Luke, completed in two years, I did not want to return to the infancy…
Even in the early stages of Ph.D. studies, students should consider areas of research for their dissertation. Many avenues are open to students who wish to invest years of their…
Memorizing Scripture in the original languages can aid in learning grammar because this practice forces us to think about every word. While memorizing Hebrews 9, I struggled to identify what…
When ἐμοί occurs, it occurs frequently. An emphatic form used repeatedly in a context. What might be the implications of its use in John 14-15, Romans 7, and Galatians 1-2,…
Considering Ascension Day, I am struck by how often New Testament authors employed the Old Testament when describing Christ’s ascension. Recently I noticed at least three instances of this in…
Students trained in traditional exegesis and historical-grammatical hermeneutics sometimes struggle when discussing interpretive practices with those trained in linguistics. The concept of register can be confusing, so my hope here…
One of the values of Biblical Theology is that it promotes the voices of the Minor Prophets. Habbakuk’s prophecy encapsulates macro themes from the Old Testament and lays a foundation…
In John 11, Jesus’ demonstrated His deity by raising Lazarus from the dead. Despite Jesus’ greatness, the Jewish leaders sought to destroy Him. Taken together, statements from the Psalms, Isaiah,…