The author of Judges was not content to blandly state the waywardness of God’s people. He arranged his material in such a way as to display the degree of shameful…
Category: <span>Judges</span>
After the Lord submitted Israel to the will of the Philistines for forty years, He raised up Samson to deliver His people. Samson’s leadership points to the fact that God’s…
Judges 9-12 records some of the most disturbing scenes in the Old Testament. The leadership of Abimelech and Jephthah, which was founded on love of power and bargaining with God,…
God allowed Israel’s enemies to dominate them. When they cried out to God for deliverance, He sent judges to deliver them from oppression. The record of Gideon’s leadership in Judges…
Under Joshua’s leadership, Israel had conquered the boundaries of Canaan but many pagan peoples still lived within the areas allotted to these tribes. The book of Judges is the record…
Judges 19-21
Often writers wish to save their most telling ideas for the end of their composition. The author of Judges seems to have followed suit. Judges 19-21 reveals that while Israel…
Commentary Judges Old Testament