Category: <span>Old Testament</span>

These chapters portray a change of tone for the prophet. When Jeremiah was called to the ministry, the Lord said to him, “Look, I have filled your mouth with My…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

Jeremiah’s sermons were not popular with the other prophets and spiritual leaders of his day. The messages recorded in chs. 26-29 were preached during the days of Jehoiakim (2 Kgs…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

God called prophets to proclaim His Word, often reflecting the law of Moses line by line. Many times, the prophets addressed the leadership of God’s people, as is the case…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

Jeremiah endured one of the most difficult lives assigned to any Old Testament leader. Judah was stubborn hearted, and happy about it. How could one, year after year, call them…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

Jeremiah confronted his audience that despite their religious vocabulary, they had yet to know God. Judah said they believed—and even went through the motions of Israelite religion in the temple—but…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

Jeremiah was appointed to investigate the characteristics and makeup of a substance so as to determine its current condition against an objective standard. What did the prophet discover concerning spirituality…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

Jeremiah was assigned the difficult task of prophesying to God’s people during the dark days following the Assyrian captivity of Israel. As a prophet, Jeremiah opposed his contemporaries. They continuously…

Commentary Jeremiah Major Prophets Old Testament

In the final chapters of the book of Isaiah, the prophet looked forward to a new day. Isaiah prophesied of a time when the people of God would be recognized…

Commentary Isaiah Major Prophets Old Testament

In the latter portions of the book of Isaiah, the prophet described the Lord’s saving acts for His people and the nations. In Isaiah 56-59, the prophet returned to themes…

Commentary Isaiah Major Prophets Old Testament

During the days of Isaiah’s ministry, God’s people felt abandoned like a wife who had been released by her husband (Isa 54:6). While the Lord was legitimately angry with His…

Commentary Isaiah Major Prophets Old Testament